I am really having a hard time putting two coherent sentences together. I've tried (and failed) to start at least three different blog posts tonight. I've tried writing just for the fun of it, something which I've been itching to do the last little while. I finally sat down with a deliciously frothy hot chocolate and a few minutes on a clean dining room table, all ready to get my fingers fired up, and . . . nothing. I know there are thoughts in that brain of mine, good thoughts too, but I just can't seem to make them proceed across these keys in an orderly fashion.
I've been thinking about homemaking and mothering and theology and how they all fit together, but the words aren't fitting tonight. No apples of gold in settings of silver. Just apple peels left in the stainless steel sink.
But I couldn't waste all this time I've been sat here at my computer, so I thought I'd at least prove I remember how to type and bring you this completely useless post!
Wondering where the wondering went ... Might some exhaustion, and lack of time to reflect and sleep from mothering and home making have something to do with the theology not forming in your brain and flowing to your finger tips? While you may consider your post to be useless, YOU certainly aren't! You are a wonderful, wondering woman of God.