Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Grade 1 Teacher Prep

I am really excited about this stack of books. This is what I'll be diving into over the summer to prepare myself for Grade 1. Most of these I have already read, but I want to re-immerse myself in the ideas.

From top to bottom:

Leisure the Basis of Culture by Josef Pieper
I read this a few years ago, on the recommendation of someone in the blogosphere, though I can't remember who! (Auntie Leila?) Since then, I've been reading and learning more about scholé from the likes of Sarah Mackenzie, Scholé Sisters, and Christopher Perrin. This time through, I'll be thinking about just what "leisure" (aka scholé) can look like in our family as we continue with home education. 

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
This is one I've heard about from many different people. I believe this book had something to do with the modern resurgence of Charlotte Mason. Our library doesn't have it, so I'm borrowing from a friend. It is basically a summary of Charlotte Mason's principles and how they can be applied in the home. I've dipped into enough Charlotte Mason to be familiar with most of the concepts, but I'm really enjoying reading through it and seeing the practical side of things. This is probably something I'd like to get for my own library. (It's on the wish list!)

Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie
I read this last winter, but I'd like to go through it again now that we are further into things and that Grade 1 is on the horizon. I think it would be ideal to go through with a notebook and a friend! I haven't got the accompanying podcasts yet either, which I'd like to do, and really take my time with it all. She is encouraging on a practical level, but also inspiring on the level of ideas. The teaching from rest idea is connected to the idea of scholé as well. 

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
This essay is in that big book, along with The Weight of Glory, another of my favourites! I did read it a few years ago, but I'd like to refresh my memory. Lewis said we were in danger of creating "men without chests." Who wouldn't want to read Lewis's thoughts on education? 

The Original Homeschooling Series by Charlotte Mason
This one is not pictured, and I am still saving up for the hard copies, but I am reading selections on the Ambleside Online website. Currently I'm reading about habits (Vol. 1), and then I'd like to get into "masterly inactivity." 

Like I've said before, I need to get my big ideas in place before I tackle the details of curriculum selection, scheduling, and the like. (I do have my curriculum mostly picked out for the fall, though I'm still tweaking. More on that another time.) I'm looking forward to working through the stack! 


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